Monday, December 28, 2020

Merry and bright, all year round!

“I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach. Oh tell me, I may sponge away the writing on this stone!” Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol Merry and bright, all year round! From here we send you the best thoughts and all the Switch2VoIP team wishes you a Happy New Year 2021. Login Register now Also Read: * What is SIP Trunking? * What is the cost of SIP Trunking? * How to setup your SIP trunk on Vicidial and Goautodial carrier settings #VoIP #SIP #PBX #IVR #CloudDialer #HostedDialer #HostedPBX #CloudDialer #VirtualPBX #DialerHosted #CloudCallCenter #Asterisk #Elastix #SIPTrunking #SIPtrunk #MerryChristmas #Christmas  » Read more: Merry and bright, all year round!  » The post Merry and bright, all year round! appeared first on Switch2VoIP.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Happy New Year from your SIP Trunk VoIP provider

Christmas Day & New Year is coming near once again. Many thanks for your confidence and support throughout the year. Here, we would like to extend our warm wishes for the upcoming holiday season & wish you and your family a Merry Christmas as well as a prosperous New Year. Hope we all have a bright future in 2021! Login Register now Also Read: * What is SIP Trunking? * What is the cost of SIP Trunking? * How to setup your SIP trunk on Vicidial and Goautodial carrier settings #VoIP #SIP #PBX #IVR #CloudDialer #HostedDialer #HostedPBX #CloudDialer #VirtualPBX #DialerHosted #CloudCallCenter #Asterisk #Elastix #SIPTrunking #SIPtrunk #MerryChristmas  » Read more: Happy New Year from your SIP Trunk VoIP provider  » The post Happy New Year from your SIP Trunk VoIP provider appeared first on Switch2VoIP.

Monday, December 21, 2020

How can I create a SIP account?

To create a SIP account these days is very simple compared to the beginning days of VoIP. A SIP account opens all possibilities of communications, from audio voice calls to high definition real time video calls from all kind of devices and operative systems like iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Linux and all kinds of PBX installed on any platform, they all make use of the SIP protocol. The many benefits that a SIP account offers when configured on a PBX are often free audio and video calls to internal extensions within the same network. However when you make calls outside of your internal network you may pay a per minute fee and the price will depend on the VoIP provider. Option 1: Setup a SIP account on a laptop or mobile device to make calls over Wi-Fi or over mobile network * Open the App Store and download Zoiper or Xlite.  » Read more: How can I create a SIP account?  » The post How can I create a SIP account? appeared first on Switch2VoIP.

Monday, December 14, 2020

SIP account

What is a SIP account? In simple terms, a SIP Account is the main key needed to activate your VoIP communications. SIP means Session Initiation Protocol. SIP makes it possible to connect the software solutions also known as SIP devices with the person who will be receiving the calls, in other words connects it to the VoIP provider via SIP Trunking.  The SIP Account is the unique identification (an account number and password) on the internet that you can use on your softphone or PBX.  Making calls with a SIP Account is very economical as you can call anywhere in the world using the internet. Many SIP accounts are prepaid or pay as you go and others are based on a monthly plan, you can have unlimited number of users making calls on your SIP Account to anywhere in the world and also receive calls to your SIP Account simultaneously.   » Read more: SIP account  » The post SIP account appeared first on Switch2VoIP.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Check live your VoIP billing and purchase history.

Add credits to your VoIP account Simple steps to add credit balance to your VoIP SIP Trunking account is very easy and allows you to make and receive calls on your softphone or PBX, Vicidial or Goautodial. * Login or Register for a VoIP SIP Trunking account by going to the top menu My Account. * Enter the amount of credits in $ that you would like to credit on your VoIP account as shown on the picture below. How do I see a payment on my billing history? You can view and print your billing history from the Billing Portal. * Go to My Account on the top menu and enter your username and password. * Click on Billing History. * Right click on your browser and select Print this Page to print your entire billing history or change the dates and print for a specific date.  » Read more: Check live your VoIP billing and purchase history.  » The post Check live your VoIP billing and purchase history. appeared first on Switch2VoIP.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)

What is SIP? The meaning of the SIP acronym is Session Initiation Protocol. SIP is a signaling protocol that allows the Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) by sending a command to the softphone or VoIP phone with the SIP account credentials allowing the “initiation” of the VoIP phone call “session” on the phone device. SIP is the protocol used to deploy a VoIP call on a particular device. It is used to connect local telephone systems like virtual PBX’s, softphones and mobile apps to the public telephone network to connect users without a traditional telephone line. Example #1 of the SIP protocol components explained: sip:bob@, in this string “sip” is the protocol we are requesting to open the device that will make the call, “bob” is the SIP account username and “” is the IP of the SIP server or host of the VoIP provider. Example #2 This example is more interactive,  » Read more: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)  » The post Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) appeared first on Switch2VoIP.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

What is VoIP? How it works, complete guide.

VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) The term VoIP means Voice over Internet Protocol. It’s also called PC to Phone, SIP Telephony, IP Telephony or Internet Telephony. It is an affordable option to make phone calls, with the difference that the calls are a lot cheaper than traditional phone lines. The telephone set is not always necessary as you can communicate from your computer. VoIP has a lot of advantages over the traditional phone system. The reason why most of the people are turning to VoIP technology is the cost. Do you have access to a computer with a mic and speakers or a headset, and Internet connection? Then you can communicate using VoIP. You can also use your mobile phone by downloading an application, you can contact Switch2VoIP Support team for more information. Table of Contents How can i use VoIP?  » Read more: What is VoIP? How it works, complete guide.  » The post What is VoIP? How it works, complete guide. appeared first on Switch2VoIP.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

We are Thankful for YOU! Enjoy Thanksgiving with your loved ones

The Switch2VoIP team is thankful for you! We all wish you and your loved ones an enjoyable holiday this Thanksgiving day! If you need our help sit back and relax while our tech support takes care because our staff will be available as usual on office hours from 9am to 5pm EST providing regular support coverage. Have a safe and relaxing holiday. Switch2VoIP provides telephone services for business of all sizes including home offices, call centers and hotels. Login Register now Our free support is online and ready to help from 9am to 5pm EST, contact us via chat support on Also Read: – What is the cost of SIP Trunking? – How to setup your SIP trunk on Vicidial and Goautodial carrier settings  » Read more: We are Thankful for YOU! Enjoy Thanksgiving with your loved ones  » The post We are Thankful for YOU! Enjoy Thanksgiving with your loved ones appeared first on Switch2VoIP.

Why a Call Center should comply with the FCC “Do Not Call” standards

Why a Call Center should comply with FCC standards The Federal Communications Commission, also known as the FCC, is a big independent organization of the US government which was created to control and regulate the communications by satellite, radio, television, wire or cable.  The FCC was solemnly created for the purpose of safety of life and possessions through use of wire or radio communications, for all residents of the USA without any discrimination based on color, race, sex or religion.  The FCC has control and authority in all 50 states of the US to oversee the communications technologies which is transmitted by telephone.  One of the FCC programs known as the Do Not Call list is to provide all USA residents and customers with the protection against telemarketing calls.  Many residents do not want these calls received at home and can be protected against it with this organization.  » Read more: Why a Call Center should comply with the FCC “Do Not Call” standards  » The post Why a Call Center should comply with the FCC “Do Not Call” standards appeared first on Switch2VoIP.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Troncales SIP

SIP Trunking es el producto de la telefonía IP basada en troncales tradicionales T1. Obteniendo un SIP Trunk usted puede configurar su central telefónica o PBX para hacer llamadas por medio del internet sin tener que comprar un servidor gateway. Si no posees una central telefónica IP no tienes necesidad de comprarla, esta solución le permite gozar de una central telefónica sin necesidad de comprar el hardware, así aprovechamos al máximo de la versatilidad y los bajos precios que le ofrece la telefonía VoIP.   Extensiones Canales/Puertos Instalación Renta Mensual 1 Ilimitados USD$50 USD$15 5 Ilimitados USD$50 USD$75 20 Ilimitados USD$50 USD$280 35 Ilimitados USD$50 USD$455 50+ Ilimitados USD$50 USD$600 * * * Todos los precios incluyen impuestos Beneficios de SIP Trunking: * * Sus clientes contaran de un numero de teléfono donde llamaran para ser atendidos por su servicio al cliente.  » Read more: Troncales SIP  » The post Troncales SIP appeared first on Switch2VoIP.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Why VoIP is better than traditional telephone service?

Are you familiar with VoIP? If not then you are missing the freedom it gives over conventional wire telephone landlines, being more cost-effective and more flexible. 7 Reasons why VoIP is better than a traditional phone service 1. VoIP is on the clouds so there is no need of on premises equipments or servers, besides your IP phones to take calls and that’s all you need, no need to rent extra space or offices to install infrastructure or hire technicians. 2. Since there is no physical hardware involved as latest PBX used to have when using traditional setups, forget about worrying about high cost maintenance fees and extra charges, VoIP is under constant development and you will also receive the benefits of it without even noticing it. 3. Full telephony functionalities and better, the reports, calls history and settings can be accessed from the web and from any location,  » Read more: Why VoIP is better than traditional telephone service?  » The post Why VoIP is better than traditional telephone service? appeared first on Switch2VoIP.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Push Button day, November 18th

The first electronic “push button” telephone was introduced on November 18th 1963 by The Bell System, it was designed by Henry Dryfus. The magic on this devices comes from the dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) technology that provides a “touch-tone” feature that will be the world standard in telecommunications to the date. The device uses multi-sound tones on each key that sends an identificable signal to the other end. When a key is pressed it sends a particular tone that is then processed by the switch center office that will decode the sound and determine which key was pressed. Western Electric model 1500 The first touch tone telephone was the Western Electric model 1500, it only has 10 buttons. The engineers designed and tested 15 keypad layouts until they decided to stay with the setting with the 1 on the top and the 0 in the middle center bottom. The * and # keys were introduced later.  » Read more: Push Button day, November 18th  » The post Push Button day, November 18th appeared first on Switch2VoIP.

News: Affordable and Reliable, Quality VoIP Services from Switch2VoIP

Olympia, WA — (SBWIRE) — 11/1/2013 — Voice Over Internet Protocol or VoIP is an advanced form of technology that has improved the means of communication. VoIP can help save a substantial amount of money, as compared to traditional telephone calls over long distances. Switch2VoIP is aimed at providing highly reliable and affordable VoIP services to customers at affordable as well as competitive rates. The extended services of Switch2VoIP cover VoIP for Call Centers, A-Z VoIP termination, bulk SMS messaging, virtual phone numbers, international DIDs, VoIP for Asterisk, VicidiaNow, ViciBox, Goautodial and so on. In addition, USA virtual phone numbers, Vicidial, VoIP for business and many other free service features are also included. Call centers and all types of businesses can rely on the advanced and innovative service offerings of Switch2VoIP. This company delivers good quality support to clients by utilizing only premium and white routes.  » Read more: News: Affordable and Reliable, Quality VoIP Services from Switch2VoIP  » The post News: Affordable and Reliable, Quality VoIP Services from Switch2VoIP appeared first on Switch2VoIP.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Was your Vicidial hacked?

For several days in a row have noticed a high number of attacks on Vicidial servers that come to us day by day requesting our help regarding their servers security. In the past we have seen many different types of attacks to Vicidial, and multiple times per day and every day a new hack exploit appears as we saw this time: We see everyday automated bots searching for exploits on Vicidial installations, they are targeting customers making calls to the United States, so you are on their target! If your server is not connected to the internet there is not a way they can find you so there is nothing to worry about, if in your case the computer acting as server is connected to the internet then you are in danger and if your web interface is open to the public by any means you are in potential risk. Normally the hackers are accessing from the web interface the admin uses to login,  » Read more: Was your Vicidial hacked?  » The post Was your Vicidial hacked? appeared first on Switch2VoIP.

Order VoIP with credit card, debit card, Bitcoin and more.

Switch2VoIP offers you the option to buy VoIP calling credit for your Call Center PBX or Vicidial from the best VoIP provider using Bitcon, your Credit Card or Debit Card. There is a $5 minimum VoIP credit order that you may complete when you signup. After you signup for a Switch2VoIP account you can recharge your VoIP account with $10, $25, $50, $100 and $200 from My Account panel, this gives you the option to add any amount you wish on your balance whenever you need it. This prepaid VoIP billing model allows you to have control of your balance and you can monitor it online from your customer online account portal. To recharge your VoIP account you just have to login and select the payment option you would like to choose. Bitcoin Order using your Bitcoin wallet and get your account credited within minutes.  » Read more: Order VoIP with credit card, debit card, Bitcoin and more.  » The post Order VoIP with credit card, debit card, Bitcoin and more. appeared first on Switch2VoIP.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Video: How to setup a SIP trunk on Vicidial/Goautodial carrier settings

In this video we explore the instructions to configure Vicidial carrier settings with your SIP trunk as explained in the previous article: 1- Login to your Vicidial from the administration panel, on the left side go under the Admin section and click on Carriers, then click on Add A New Carrier on the top side. 2- Fill the Registration String text box with the username and password provided by the VoIP company. register=>username:password@ 3- Go to Account Entry to enter the parameters for this new carrier, make changes according to your username and password. [switch2voip] disallow=all type=friend username=yourusername secret=yourpassword host= dtmfmode=rfc2833 context=trunkinbound qualify=yes nat=yes insecure=port,invite allow=ulaw allow=alaw 4- Globals String: The carrier name has been defined as [switch2voip], so the Globals String should be defined as [switch2voip] under the SIP protocol. switch2voip=SIP/switch2voip 5- Dialplan Entry: Example. Fill the dial plan entry to dial with 1 for calls to USA. exten => _91XXXXXXXXXX,1,AGI(agi:// exten =>  » Read more: Video: How to setup a SIP trunk on Vicidial/Goautodial carrier settings  » The post Video: How to setup a SIP trunk on Vicidial/Goautodial carrier settings appeared first on Switch2VoIP.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Payment options for ordering VoIP

Introducing new payment options. Many of our Call Center VoIP users we’re asking for new ways to make payments while ordering VoIP online from our website. Now you can order using your Credit Card or Debit Card along with many other popular payment platforms like Google Pay, Amazon Pay, Apple Pay and other popular platforms depending on your location like AliPay, Sofort, Giropay, Ideal, UnionPay and many more. To add balance to your account just login to My Account and order from the payment field located on the top enter of the screen. You will see the new payment options when the checkout process prompts you to make the payment and will show you the second option as shown in the image.  » Read more: Payment options for ordering VoIP  » The post Payment options for ordering VoIP appeared first on Switch2VoIP.